Produced and directed all content for theaters, kiosks, and animated product signage.
Collaborated in design of exhibit space.
Work shown is from several international shows.
Exhibit Space/Trade Show
Open Theater to attract visitors
Fifty-foot LED wall, live host narrates and interacts with audience.
Custom-design seating platform with concealed full-range speakers, sub-woofers, and shakers provides a total immersion experience without disturbing neighboring exhibits.
Enclosed theater to introduce a new product
Story told through the words of customers, presented life-size on vertical screens and supplemented by a 32-foot LED wall displaying the product in action.
Product Information Kiosks and Animated Product Signage
46″ Vertical kiosks activated by standing in front of the screen. The viewer is given a choice of five languages and then a choice of five brief product info programs. Animated signage positioned next to products.
Language Choice
Between-Show Loop / Main Theater
Continuously cycling loop on LED wall attracts visitors between shows.